1675 Discovery Street,
Vancouver, B.C. V6R 4K5
Friends of Jericho Arts Centre
Board of Directors
Chairman: Adam Henderson
778 883 2241
in the park by the beach
1675 Discovery Street,
Vancouver, B.C. V6R 4K5
Friends of Jericho Arts Centre
Board of Directors
Chairman: Adam Henderson
778 883 2241
4th Man Productions presents…
“Highway of Tears”
Written and Directed by Lee Jay Bamberry
A hidden and untold tale of addiction, abduction, and the violation of sex trafficking on the human spirit.
Nestled amid the haunting beauty of British Columbia’s wilderness, the sleepy town of St. Wares has long carried a dark legacy.
Jazzy risks everything to expose a predator, and seek justice for the countless lives stolen along the infamous Highway of Tears.
This play is dedicated to the lives who have been lost, and friends and families who have been touched by this deadly evil.
Let us not rest until this criminal activity ceases and the heinous blemish is healed.
BOX OFFICE: 604 424 8275
EMAIL: tickets@ytms.ca
DOOR: Arrive by 7:15pm